An Interesting Conversation Between Two Witches – Live Test and Chat With Sis. Lasher – YouTube
Zoom meeting between K.Sis. Lasher (Sheloya) and Queen Arden Keren of Ile Baalat Teva. We discussed all sorts from the shortage of information on crystals...
Yemaya Offerings 2019
Photos from the Yemaya day offerings in 2019:
Oya and Ancestors Offerings 2016
Photos of the special Oya and Ancestors offerings for 2016:
Oshun Offerings March 24, 2022 | Ile Baalat Teva
On March 24, 2022, Ile Baalat Teva gave offerings to the Queen of Prosperity and All the Good Things and Joys of Life, Oshun. It...
Yemaya Offerings 2013
Photos from the Yemaya Day offerings in 2013:
Eshu Offerings 2016
Photos of our special yearly Eshu offerings in 2016:
Oshun and Aje Shaluga Offerings 2016
Photos of our special Oshun and Aje Shaluga offerings from 2016:
Oya Offerings 2024
On November 22, 2024, Ile Baalat Teva gathered for our yearly special offerings/ebbo for Orisha Oya. Here are some photos from the occasion. Blessings and...
Springtime Oshun Offerings 2017
Photos from our springtime Oshun offerings in 2017:
Yemaya Offerings 2024
This year, we were able to have a very small, discrete gathering because of the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. So there aren’t many photos...
Ile Baalat Teva Highlight Reel for Yule and Yemaya/Olokun Ebbo 2022
This is a little late in posting, but it has been an exceptionally busy year. The past winter was one of deep introspection, and some...
Oya and Ancestors Offerings 2014
Photos of the Oya and Ancestors offerings event of 2014:
Monday Live Part 3: Living in Israel as a Black Woman Practicing an ADTR – YouTube
Tried this live thing again since it’s Monday. Join me again next Monday or maybe some time in between depending how the week goes.
Oshun Offerings 2014
Photos of the Oshun offerings ceremony in 2014:
Coming in August: Ile Baalat Teva’s Oshun Ebbo 2023
This coming August, we hope to host an ebbo for Oshun that will be open to the community. Because we understand that Covid isn’t over,...
Eshu Ebbo 2022
On June 10, 2022, Ile Baalat Teva held the annual summer Eshu ebbo at the home of Wolf. It was a very good gathering with...
Canaanite Pantheon part 1 (Semitic Paganism)
An overview of Canaanite (ancient Israeli) religion and deities. Watch on YouTube!